The class will be taught virtually (live) until further notice.
Class Information:
Class Location: Cascade Connections Training Center
Class Type: Virtual Live Class + In-Person Skill Class
CE Credits: N/A
Class Description:
Note: This class is for Cascade Connections’ staff only.
This course is for students who are already certified in RIGHT RESPONSE Advanced and need their re-certification class. When safety is your responsibility, the RIGHT RESPONSE Workshop is your essential toolbox for determining the best course of action in any situation to achieve a safe, lasting and positive result. These tools will help you successfully manage aggression or behavioral challenges and help you prevent such incidents from occurring in the future! The RIGHT RESPONSE is proactive, holistic and immediately effective.
Students will take the lecture part of the class online, and then, come in for two-hour instructor lead skill session by appointment. This keeps us in compliance with trainer lead skill class, but allows for social distancing and less exposure. All students who signed up for this class will be notified of the next steps via email or phone after the registration. If you have any questions, please send us an email at [email protected].
Class Dates/Time:
September 13, 2021
9:00 am - 5:00 pm