ALL STUDENTS — Please read the Important Update From Cascade Connections Training Center before you attend the class.
ALL STUDENTS — Please also read these documents before you attend the class:
- Classroom Guidelines and Requirements
- COVID-19 Infectious Disease Control Policy – Cascade Connections Training Center
Class Information:
Class Location: Cascade Connections Training Center
Class Type: On-Campus Class
CE Credits: None
Class Description:
People with developmental disabilities are often left out of the conversation about sexuality, almost as if they are incapable of having thoughts, feelings, and needs. In reality, they, too, are sexual beings that need information and skills for making healthy decisions about sexuality. As someone who works with people with developmental disabilities, you may be the most likely person to discuss sexuality with them, or someone with a developmental disability may approach you with questions about sexuality. This workshop will help you become more comfortable talking about this sensitive topic by discussing what needs to be taught when and how to help people with developmental disabilities have safe and satisfying relationships.
Participants will:
- Gain knowledge about sexuality and specific issues for people with developmental disabilities
- Explore our own values and attitudes regarding sexuality and people with developmental disabilities
- Explore ways to communicate about sexuality with people with developmental disabilities and their parents/guardians
- Introduction/Warm-up
- What is Sexuality?
- Messages About Sexuality
- Sexual Development and Disability
- Values and Attitudes
- Working One-On-One Answering Questions and Responding to Behaviors
- Working with Parents/Guardians
- Wrap-up and Evaluation
Class Dates/Time:
August 2, 2022
9:00 am - 4:00 pm