COVID for the Caregiver – Virtual Live Class (July 2022)

ALL STUDENTS — Please read the Important Update From Cascade Connections Training Center before you attend the class.

ALL STUDENTS — Please also read these documents before you attend the class:

Class Information:

Class Location: Cascade Connections Training Center
Class Type: Virtual Live Class
CE Credits: None

Class Description:

An overview of everything caregivers need to know to keep themselves and their clients safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. It covers the symptoms, treatment, PPE, and other infection control measures everyone can use. Additionally, caregivers will get advice on minimizing social isolation in senior while keeping them safely socially distant.

Class Dates/Time:

  •  July 15, 2022
     1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
We're sorry, but all sales have ended because the class is expired.